knowing european hornets to eradicate them

The European hornet (Vespa crabro) is a stinging insect of the order Hymenoptera. Its body and coat  are similar to the common wasp (Vespa vulgaris) except that its size varies from about 35 mm for the  workers to 45 mm for the queen. It is a “phytophagous” species which obtains the proteins it needs to  live from fruit, plant juices or animal corpses. On the other hand, to feed its larvae it must hunt other  insects such as flies, spiders, caterpillars and even wasps or bees. Unlike the wasp or the Asian hornet,  the European hornet is not considered a dangerous species, it is a rather peaceful insect which only  attacks if you come within 3 meters of its nest and even then it wants to “chase” you rather than sting  you. It is considered useful because to feed its larvae it consumes many parasitic insects.

If you have a hornet infestation problem, call ATACORAT.CO.UK to find a good Pest Controler to eradicate hornets.

where hornets live :

The European hornet mainly builds its nest in tree trunks and stumps. However, they often nest in attics  or in the walls of buildings. The nest material is obtained by chewing twigs, straw or decaying wood. A  fully developed nest can weigh several kilograms, mainly due to the weight of the larvae. The  construction is very strong and if it is suspended high up it must be attached to a solid support. 

Hornet lifestyle :

Its lifestyle is similar to that of the wasp, it lives in annual colonies and each colony is founded by a  young queen who has hibernated the previous winter. The young queen begins to build her nest to lay  the first generation of her colony, then tends to it and feeds all her larvae. Once the first generation of  workers is mature, the queen does nothing else but lay eggs. It is the workers who take care of the  development of the nest and the larvae that come after them. The population of a nest does not exceed  350 to 450 adult individuals, but there are no less than 1,000 larvae in the nest at its peak.

Hornets nuisances :

The nuisance caused by European hornets is minimal because they are not aggressive. However, if they  have settled in a part of your home, it is clear that you must take the necessary steps to avoid any  incidents. The sting of a hornet is painful but the more able-bodied among you can bear the pain, but  some people are allergic to them and can die. Please note that 3 hornet stings are to be considered fatal  even for a healthy, non-allergic person.  

For these reasons we strongly advise you to solve your infestation problem by trusting one of the [Pest  Control service providers] listed in our directory or for the most unaware among you to buy [materials  and products] available from our partner.

Also find out more about asian hornet or wasp

How to treat European hornet's nests

It is not advisable to treat a European hornet’s nest yourself as your health and even your life are at stake. Please consider the following: 

In 99% of cases you have no experience in this field. Do you think that a good store-bought insecticide  can solve your problem? This is not true! 

European hornets are insects with a survival instinct that will make them willing to sacrifice themselves  for the preservation of their colony. Is the same true for you? No ! 

Approaching a hornet’s nest requires a special suit that you do not have. 

If you attack a hornet’s nest with your insecticide spray, you will be alone against several hundred  insects, which will attack you from all sides and which, unlike you, will not panic or make any mistakes. 

So, one piece of advice: call a Pest Controler who has a perfect command of this kind of situation. 

Our experts

Aaron Gibbs

York YO10, UK

We are a member of the BPCA (British Pest Control Association) and have been assessed to ensure we meet their strict membership criteria. This provides assurance that we are an insured, trusted company with a team of professionally trained and qualified technicians who follow the BPCA Codes of Best Practice. We offer a prompt response within 24-hours. Please ask if you require a discreet response.

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